Daily current affairs in English, Everyone has heard the term current affairs and people are also affected by the current affairs. current affairs gk questions To know what is happening in the country or which scheme is being run by the government. Or people have to read the newspaper every day for this. And in this, you can prepare general knowledge very well. It is very important to study the current affairs for the student, in today’s time, students prepare for government exams. And the question of current affairs is definitely asked in government exams. And students should prepare it well so that they can pass every exam. On this page you will see Daily Current Affairs in Hindi, Daily Current Affairs in English, in this you can have questions and answers of current and can increase your general knowledge. If he passes the exam then it is most important for him to increase the general knowledge. Today, if there is any test, then the question of general knowledge is asked in it and every day jobs arise in the country.
Daily Current Affairs in English
Q 1. Which New Zealand wicket-keeper batsman has announced his retirement from all forms of cricket after
touring England?
Ans. VJ Watling
Q 2. Which corona vaccine trial has been approved by DCGI for the second and third stages for 2 to 18 year
Ans. Covaxine
Q 3. Which city Prerna Puri has created the first certified gluten free dairy ice cream brand?
Ans. Delhi
Q 4. Recently which state government has approved the global tender to import the corona vaccine?
Ans. Government of Rajasthan
Q 5. Which cricket team ranked first in the recently released ICC Test rankings with 121 ratings?
Ans. Indian Cricket Team
Q 6. Who ranked first among the highest-grossing Top 10 athletes released by Fobers?
Ans. Conor McGregor
Q 7. Which state government has been approved by the Union Cabinet to transfer the land of ITBP to develop
an air passenger ropeway system?
Ans. Government of Uttarakhand
Q 8. Recently which Indian cricketer has become the first female player to get the Corona vaccine?
Ans. Samrti mdhana