Daily Current Affairs In English 15 August 2023

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Daily Current Affairs In English


Daily Current Affairs In English. Government jobs come out in different areas inside the country and the youth also do the preparation for these government jobs very much today is a student who wants to get a great job and he also prepares for him. 

Also, do it. 10 current affairs in English, But some youngsters are very good at passing that exam. daily current gk in English, And they get jobs but some youths do not get jobs and apply for the exam. Some of the students who do not get government jobs may be possible. 

top 10 current affairs, From which one can not be possible, either the student has not expressed it or has lacked his knowledge or the syllabus he did not correctly.If any student wishes to get a government job then it is very important to be passed in the examination. And with this, it is very important to increase its general knowledge, of current affairs. today’s current affairs, 

As long as he does not have general knowledge, he can not be passed in the examination. Visual and Answer to different topics in a government job is asked. Which one subject is ( general knowledge (current affairs), if you prepare a good way of general knowledge. So you can succeed in the exam. And with this, you should have a good hold in your general knowledge, it is very important to fall.

Today, we talk that many jobs come out in the country and students also prepare their preparations for every job. Can be your mind. Therefore, you can get  Daily Current Affairs in this post and it is updated to the question of new current affairs every day…


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Current Affairs Today in English


Question. Where has the ‘Mapping Tibet Exhibition’ been organized recently?

Answer: Himachal Pradesh

Question. Recently a resolution against ‘UCC’ has been unanimously passed in the assembly of?

Answer: Kerala

Question. Recently announced how many more ‘Digi Yatra at airports’ facility will be launched in India?

Answer: six

Question. Who has recently been honored with the ‘Global Leader Award 2023’ for healthcare expansion in Africa?

Answer: ‘Jayesh Saini’

Question – Where was the NISD General Council meeting held recently?

Answer – New Delhi

Question. Recently the cabinet of which state government has approved the Water Tourism and Adventure Sports Policy 2023?

Answer: Uttar Pradesh

Question – How many policemen have been honored with police medals recently on this Independence Day?

Answer – 954


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Question. Which government has recently dissolved all local government bodies?

Answer: Government of Punjab

Question. Who has recently launched the National Space Innovation Challenge 2023?

Answer: ‘AIM and ISRO’

Question. Which Common Service Center (CSC) has recently launched ‘Nivesto Sarathi Van’?

Answer: IEPFA

Question. Which government has recently launched ‘Database Updation’ to assess department-wise information?

Answer: Maharashtra

Question. Recently who will start 24×7 video banking service?

Answer: AU Small Finance Bank

Question. Who has recently launched its new logo?

Answer: Air India


10 current affairs in English

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