daily current affairs in English, current affairs ,In today’s time, every youth is looking for a job, every student is looking for a government job and every day jobs are coming out in the country and for that lakhs of people apply and prepare for government exams and also give exams and Some students pass the exam and some students are not selected and many students are disappointed and there are many reasons for this. Any student wishes that if he passes the exam then it would be most important for him. It is important to increase the general knowledge, if there is any test today, then the question of general knowledge is asked in it and if you have to pass in the exam then it is very important to have this general knowledge and your journal knowledge should be the best today Will read current affairs in the post and will also remember the question
In which the student current affairs will have a questionnaire and it will help you in reading and memorizing it, you can have daily current affairs..
Daily Current Affairs In English
Q 1. recently Who has sworn in Justice NV Ramana as the 48th Chief Justice of India?
Ans. Ramnath Kovind
Q 2. Which commission has recently banned road shows and vehicle rallies in West Bengal due to corona
Ans. Election commission
Q 3. Which day is celebrated on 25th April around the world?
Ans. World Malaria Day
Q 4. Recently under which scheme Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched the distribution of e-wealth
Ans. Ownership plan
Q 5. Which Air Vice Marshal has recently taken over as Senior Officer at Western Air Command
Ans. P.S. Karkare
Q 6. Recently the country has been recognized by the World Health Organization to end trachoma?
Ans. The Gambia
Q 7. Which country has recently canceled the agreement of the Victorian state to join the Chinese Belt and
Ans. Australia
Q 8. With which country has India tied up to promote tech-based startups?
Ans. Singapore
Q 9. Which country has banned all national and international aircraft coming from India?
Ans. UAE
Q 10. Which Indian has won the gold medal in the World Youth Boxing Championship in Poland in the 56 kg
Ans. Sachin Sewach