Government jobs are generated everyday in the country. Daily Current Affairs in English, And the youth also apply for those jobs. 10 current affairs in english, And at the same time they also prepare for those exams. Those who applied for the exam also give exams. And with this, only a few students are able to pass the government exam. Current Affairs Quiz, And they get selected for the government job, with this, many people do not get a government job. Students who do not get government jobs may have some reasons. One of which can be either that those students have not maintained it properly or they are lacking in knowledge or they have not got the syllabus correctly. 10 current affairs in english
If any student wishes to get a government job, then it is very important to pass the exam. And with this, it is very important to increase his general knowledge, current affairs. Till he does not have the general knowledge, then he cannot pass the examination. Question and answer of different subjects are asked in government jobs. One of which is General Knowledge (Current Affairs) GK, if you prepare general knowledge properly. So you can succeed in the exam. And with this, you should also have a good grip in general knowledge, it is very important to study the current affairs, today the diet is also preparing for the youth. So he should have a good knowledge about current, who are preparing for student current affairs, general knowledge, for those students, in this post we have brought questions of current, Today Current Affairs, and you can take the exam by reading these questions, Current Affairs in Hindi, Current Affairs 2021 in Hindi, Current Affairs Quiz in English
Q 1. The Central Government has appointed a joint secretary of the Ministry of New Co-operative?
Ans. Abhay Kumar Singh
Q 2. Which senior official has taken charge as a new secretary in the Ministry of Broadcasting?
Ans. Apoorva lunar
Q 3. Which former Indian footballer has died at the age of 82?
Ans. Syed Shahid Hakim
Q 4. Who was appointed the Chief Coach of the Australian swimming team?
Ans. Rohan Taylor
Q 5. Which player of Indian Under-19 was selected to Player of the Tournament?
Ans. Mayank Rawat
Q 6. On the occasion of the 47th installation day of Happy Home Vidyalaya, which lab was sanctioned
by the Government of India?
Ans. Atal Tikring
Q 7. Colgate-Pamolive has launched its kind toothpaste in India?
Ans. First recyclable
Q 8. My Vatan My Chaman Mushayara will be held in which city?
Ans. Delhi
Q 9. How many tennis players participate in India in US Open Qualifying?
Ans. Four