Daily Current Affairs In English 27 May

Daily current affairs In English

Government jobs are generated everyday in the country. Daily Current Affairs in English, And the youth also apply for those jobs. And at the same time they also prepare for those exams. Those who applied for the exam also give exams. And with this, only a few students are able to pass the government exam. Current Affairs Quiz, And they get selected for the government job, with this, many people do not get a government job. Students who do not get government jobs may have some reasons. One of which can be either that those students have not maintained it properly or they are lacking in knowledge or they have not got the syllabus correctly.

If any student wishes to get a government job, then it is very important to pass the exam. And with this, it is very important to increase his general knowledgecurrent affairs. Till he does not have the general knowledge, then he cannot pass the examination. Question and answer of different subjects are asked in government jobs. One of which is General Knowledge (Current Affairs) GK, if you prepare general knowledge properly. So you can succeed in the exam. And with this, you should also have a good grip in general knowledge, it is very important to study the current affairs, today the diet is also preparing for the youth. So he should have a good knowledge about current, who are preparing for student current affairsgeneral knowledge, for those students, in this post we have brought questions of current, Today Current Affairs, and you can take the exam by reading these questions, Current Affairs in HindiCurrent Affairs 2021 in HindiCurrent Affairs Quiz in English

You can see questions of current in this post.


Q 1.    Which hockey stadium has been renamed after the great Olympian Balbir Singh Sr.?

Ans.    Mohali International Hockey Stadium

Q 2.     In which year is the US space agency NASA announced to send its first mobile robot to the moon?

Ans.     2023

Q 3.     Recently the Central Government has approved the opening of India’s first consulate in Addu city of which


Ans.     Maldives

Q 4.      BCCI has decided to cancel which T20 series to be held in September 2021?

Ans.      India-South Africa T20 Series

Daily current affairs In English

Q 5.     Recently India and which country have renewed agreement to promote maritime security and military

            cooperation of both countries?

Ans.    Oman

Q 6.     Who has been appointed as the new director of CBI?

Ans.    Subodh Jaiswal

Q 7.    For how many years, Subodh Kumar Jaiswal, a 1985 batch IPS officer, has been appointed as the new

            director of the CBI?

Ans.    2 years

Q 8.    Who has been unanimously elected the new president of the party at the National Executive meeting of

            Rashtriya Lok Dal (RLD)?

Ans.    Jayant Chaudhary

Q 9.    Who has been awarded the India Biodiversity Award 2021 in the individual category of conservation of

            domesticated species?

Ans.    Shaji NM (Kerala)

Q 10.   Whom the Parliament of Kenya country as the first woman Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

             Have appointed?

Ans.      Justice martha kiss

Daily current affairs In English, current affairs gk questions, prepare general knowledge

today current affairs in english, top 10 current affairs in english, 27 may current affairs

Daily Current Affairs In Hindi 

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