Daily Current Affairs In English 30-May-2022

Daily Current Affairs In English

Daily Current Affairs In English.Government jobs come out in different areas inside the country and the youth also do the preparation of these government jobs very much today is a student who wants to get a great job and he also prepares for him. Also do it. 10 current affairs in english, But some youngsters are very good by passing that examsdaily current gk in english, And they get jobs but some youths do not get jobs which apply for the exam. Some of the students who do not get government jobs may be possible. top 10 current affairs,From which one can not be possible, either the student has not expressed it or has lacked his knowledge or the syllabus he did not correctly.
If any student wishes to get a government job then it is very important to be passed in the examination. And with this, it is very important to increase its general knowledge, current affairs. today current affairs, As long as he does not have general knowledge, he can not be passed in the examination. Visual and Answer of different topics in government job is asked. From which one subject is general knowledge (current affairs), if you prepare a good way of general knowledge. So you can succeed in the exam. And with this, you should have a good hold in your general knowledge, it is very important to fall.
Today, if we talk that many jobs come out in the country and students also prepare their preparations in every job. Can be your mind. Therefore, you can get Daily Current Affairs in this post and it is updated to the question of new current affairs every day ….

Q 1.   Where was the two-day meeting of Department of Posts and India Post Payments Bank Aarohan 4.0


Ans.    Shimla


Q 2.    Which Indian actor has been honored with the Excellence in Cinema Award at the French Riviera Film


Ans.    Nawazuddin Siddiqui

Q 3.     Which bank’s account holders will have to pay a fee for availing transactions under the Aadhaar Enabled

            System (AEPS)?

Ans.     India Post Payments Bank (IPPB)

Q 4.    Who has recently been appointed as the chairman of the World Trade Organization Committee on

           Technical Barriers to Trade?

Ans.    Anwar Hussain Sheikh

Q 5.    Which athlete, who won the Bonz Medal at the Tokyo Olympics, has been elected as the chairman of the

            IBA Athletes’ Committee?

Ans.     lovlina borgohain

Q 6.     Which Union Minister has recently inaugurated the country’s first “Lavender Festival” in Bhaderwah,


Ans.   Dr Jitendra Singh

Q 7.   Which bank has approved the opening of a branch in GIFT City for foreign currency lending?


Q 8.    Who has launched the first B2B digital marketplace for Indian exporters and overseas buyers?

Ans.    Federation of Indian Export Organization

Q 9.     New species of monkey found in which state of India has been named after Sela Pass?

Ans.    Arunachal Pradesh

Q 10.   Which of these days is celebrated on 30th May?

Ans.     Hindi Journalism Day

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