Government jobs are generated everyday in the country. Daily Current Affairs in English, And the youth also apply for those jobs. 10 current affairs in english, And at the same time they also prepare for those exams. Those who applied for the exam also give exams. And with this, only a few students are able to pass the government exam. Current Affairs Quiz, And they get selected for the government job, with this, many people do not get a government job. Students who do not get government jobs may have some reasons. One of which can be either that those students have not maintained it properly or they are lacking in knowledge or they have not got the syllabus correctly. 10 current affairs in english
If any student wishes to get a government job, then it is very important to pass the exam. And with this, it is very important to increase his general knowledge, current affairs. Till he does not have the general knowledge, then he cannot pass the examination. Question and answer of different subjects are asked in government jobs. One of which is General Knowledge (Current Affairs) GK, if you prepare general knowledge properly. So you can succeed in the exam. And with this, you should also have a good grip in general knowledge, it is very important to study the current affairs, today the diet is also preparing for the youth. So he should have a good knowledge about current, who are preparing for student current affairs, general knowledge, for those students, in this post we have brought questions of current, Today Current Affairs, and you can take the exam by reading these questions, Current Affairs in Hindi, Current Affairs 2021 in Hindi, Current Affairs Quiz in English
Q 1. Which Indian Boxer defeated Taipei boxer in the Tokyo Olympics has confirmed a medal in the
Ans. Lovelina boregohen
Q 2. San Marino, who has a population of 34 thousand, has won a bronze medal in the Olympics, they
have become the first woman to win a medal for his country?
Ans. Aleceendra Perili
Q 3. Prime Minister Narendra Modi has launched a program to facilitate the play school to the children
of the village?
Ans. Vidya admission program
Q 4. Which team has won the series 2-1 in Seven wickets the third T20 match played after India and
Sri Lanka?
Ans. Sri Lanka
Q 5. In which education area has the Central Government announced OBC 27% and 10 percent reservation to EWS?
Ans. Medical Education
Q 6. The Central Government has recently gave CA-TS recognition to how many tiger reserve?
Ans. 14 Tiger Reserve
Q 7. How many cities have been awarded the prestigious title of the country’s 11 cycling Pioneers by
the Government of India?
Ans. 11 cities
Q 8. Which Physiological Parameter Monitoring System “Covid Beep” is launched?
Ans. First
Q 9. Who has recently launched the Secure Logistics Document Exchange?
Ans. central government