Rajasthan GK Question in English, Every youth is preparing for exams, in which every young Rajasthan is preparing for general knowledge, in which some are preparing for Rajasthan GK, in this website you can find general knowledge of Rajasthan and Rajasthan GK in Hindi also. Students who are preparing for Rajasthan’s Exam, students can prepare from this website only by sitting at home. And at the same time, Rajasthan GK question may also fall. Rajasthan general knowledge is asked in your Rajasthan examination, students can prepare comfortably while sitting at home, to be successful in competitive exam, you need to have knowledge of general knowledge, rajasthan gk question.
Rajasthan GK Question In English
Q 1. Which soil is most suitable for maize?
Ans. Loam soil
Q 2. In which area is the loam soil not found?
Ans. Ganganagar
Q 3. Which crop is commonly obtained from mixed red and black soil?
Ans. Cotton, corn
Q 4. Whose region is the highest among the soils found in Rajasthan?
Ans. Sandy soil
Q 5. Is the area of brown soil spread in Rajasthan?
Ans. Both sides of the Aravalli
Q 6. Which is the longest river of Rajasthan which flows completely in the state of Rajasthan?
Ans. Banas
Q 7. On which river was the Meja dam built?
Ans. Kothari
Q 8. On which river is the Chulia watershed in Rajasthan?
Ans. Chambal
Q 9. Which is the largest salt water lake in Rajasthan?
Ans. Sambar
Q 10. On which river is the Kanak Sagar Dam located in Rajasthan?
Ans. Mainz