Rajasthan Static Gk In English

Rajasthan Static GK In English

rajasthan static gk in english, Every youth is preparing for Rajasthan exams. And students also do a lot for this. rajasthan static gk In order to prepare for the Rajasthan State Exams, it is very important to first get a general knowledge of Rajasthan. Rajasthan GK Question In Hindi If there is Rajasthan exams, then there are questions of Rajasthan general knowledge. And whatever students do, along with general knowledge, they also prepare more subjects. So they make the exam a success. And some students remain in the examination in this. So it is very important for those students to get to know Rajasthan general knowledge along with other subjects. In this website, you can also find general knowledge of Rajasthan and Rajasthan GK in Hindi. And students may have questions on Rajasthan static gk in Hindi, in this page. In this, you will have to question Rajasthan. rajasthan static gk in hindi, rajasthan gk question in hindi.

Q 51.      Where is the Kirti Pillar and Vijay Pillar Stand?


Ans.       Chittorgarh

Q 52.     Where is Maru Mahotsav celebrated?

Ans.       Jaisalmer

Q 53.     Where a separate women’s employment office has been set up in Rajasthan?

Ans.      Jaipur

Q 54.    In which year did our land start its people plan?

Ans.     2006

Q 55.    When was united Rajasthan established?

Ans.     25 March 1948

Q 56.    In how many stages was Rajasthan unified?

Ans.     7

Q 57.    Which historian gave the name of Rajasthan to Raithan?

Ans.     Colonel Todd

Q 58.    When was the Rajasthan Autonomous Governance Institution established?

Ans.      1955 AD

Q 59.   First woman became Governor of Rajasthan?

Ans.      Mrs. Pratibha Patil

Q 60.     The first Chief Minister was Rajasthan?

Ans.      Hiralal Shastri

Rajasthan Static GK In English

rajasthan static gk

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Rajasthan GK Question In English

Rajasthan GK Question In Hindi

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